Section 2 Threshold Issues

This guidance document was issued upon approval by vote of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

OLC Control Number EEOC-CVG-2000-2 Concise Display Name Section 2 Threshold Issues Issue Date General Topics Threshold Issues

This document addresses requirements that an individual must satisfy in order to have a legal claim under the EEO statutes, including definitions of covered individuals and entities, covered issues and bases, timeliness, standing, and other topics.

Title VII, EPA, ADEA, ADA, GINA, 29 CFR Part 1601, 29 CFR Part 1614, 29 CFR Part 1621, 29 CFR Part 1626

Document Applicant Employers, Employees, Applicants, Attorneys and Practitioners, EEOC Staff Previous Revision

Yes. When originally published in 2000, this document replaced 11 separate guidance documents, as indicated in guidance text. In July 2005, the subsection addressing time limitations was replaced to reflect the Supreme Court’s decision in National Railroad Passenger Corp. v. Morgan, 536 U.S. 101 (2002) with a subsection currently captioned 'When Can a Discriminatory Act Be Challenged?'. In August 2009, the document was again revised to address timeliness issues after passage of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, with the addition of a new subsection concerning the time limitations for filing compensation discrimination charges.


The contents of this document do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way. This document is intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.

Notice Concerning the Undue Hardship Standard in Title VII Religious Accommodation Cases.

This document was issued prior to the Supreme Court’s decision in Groff v. DeJoy, 143 S. Ct. 2279 (2023). The Groff opinion clarified that “showing ‘more than a de minimis cost’…does not suffice to establish undue hardship under Title VII.” Instead, the Supreme Court held that “undue hardship is shown when a burden is substantial in the overall context of an employer’s business,” “tak[ing] into account all relevant factors in the case at hand, including the particular accommodations at issue and their practical impact in light of the nature, size and operating cost of an employer.” Groff supersedes any contrary information on this webpage. For more information about the EEOC’s resources on religious discrimination, please see

Notice Concerning The Americans With Disabilities Act Amendments Act Of 2008

This document was issued prior to enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), which took effect on January 1, 2009. The ADAAA broadened the statutory definition of disability, as summarized in this list of specific changes.



PURPOSE: This transmittal covers the issuance of Section 2 of the new Compliance Manual on "Threshold Issues." The section provides guidance and instructions for investigating and analyzing coverage, timeliness, and other threshold issues that are generally addressed when a charge is first filed with the EEOC.

EFFECTIVE DATE: Upon receipt

DISTRIBUTION: EEOC Compliance Manual holders

OBSOLETE DATA: This section of the new Compliance Manual supersedes the following: Section 605: Jurisdiction, EEOC Compliance Manual, Volume II; Enforcement Guidance on the Bona Fide Private Membership Club Exception, EEOC Compliance Manual, Volume II, Appendix 605-A; Enforcement Guidance on Sheriffs' Deputies, EEOC Compliance Manual, Volume II, Appendix 605-C; Enforcement Guidance on Work Release Programs, EEOC Compliance Manual, Volume II, Appendix 605-D; Enforcement Guidance on Partners, Officers, Members of Boards of Directors, and Major Shareholders, EEOC Compliance Manual, Volume II, Appendix 605-E; Enforcement Guidance on Integrated Enterprises and Joint Employers, EEOC Compliance Manual, Volume II, Appendix 605-G; Enforcement Guidance on Independent Contractors and Independent Businesses, EEOC Compliance Manual, Volume II, Appendix 605-H; Enforcement Guidance on Counting Employees to Determine Title VII Jurisdiction (1997); Policy Guidance on Whether Part-time Employees Are Employees Within the Meaning of § 701(b) of Title VII and § 11(b) of the ADEA (1990); Policy Statement on Effect of 1986 Amendments to ADEA on Commission's Enforcement Activities (1988).

FILING INSTRUCTIONS: This is the second section issued as part of the new Compliance Manual.

/S/ Ida L. Castro Chairwoman





A. Covered Bases

1. Title VII

a. Race and Color
b. National Origin
c. Religion
d. Sex

2. EPA


4. ADA

a. Generally
b. Protection of an Individual Who Is Not a Qualified Individual with a Disability

5. All Statutes: Retaliation

B. Covered Issues

1. Job Decisions, Employment Practices, and Other Terms, Conditions, and Privileges of Employment

2. Harassment Based on a Protected Basis

3. Reasonable Accommodation

a. Religion
b. Disability

4. Referral Practices

5. Labor Organization Practices

6. Practices Undertaken by Apprenticeships and Other Training Programs

7. Advertising and Recruitment

8. Medical Inquiries and Examinations

9. Maintenance and Confidentiality of Medical Records

10. Limiting, Segregating, and Classifying

11. Retaliation: Actions Likely to Deter Protected Activity


A. Covered Individuals

1. Who Is an "Employee"?

a. Welfare Recipients
b. Union Stewards
c. Volunteers
d. Partners, Officers, Members of Boards of Directors, and Major Shareholders

2. Coverage of Former Employees

3. Coverage of Training Program Applicants and Participants

4. Non-Citizens

5. Coverage of Elected Officials and Their Personal Staff, Appointees, and Immediate Advisers

6. ADEA Exemptions

a. Compulsory Retirement of Bona Fide Executive and High-Level Policymakers
i. Who Is a Bona Fide Executive or High Policymaker?
ii. Retirement Benefits Computation
b. Firefighters and Law Enforcement Officers
c. Programs Designed for Individuals with "Special Employment Problems"

B. Covered Entities

1. Requirements for Coverage

a. Employers
i. Title VII, the ADEA, and the ADA
ii. EPA
iii. Special Issues Regarding Multiple Entities
b. Employment Agencies
c. Labor Organizations

2. Agents

a. Liability for Actions Taken by an Agent
b. Liability of Agents

3. Specific Issues Related to Coverage of Employers

a. Third-Party Interference with Employment Opportunities
i. Generally
ii. Professional/Licensing Boards
iii. Correctional Facilities
b. Successor Liability
c. Foreign Employers in the United States and American Employers Overseas
i. Foreign Employers in the United States
ii. American Employers Overseas

4. Exemptions and Exclusions from Coverage

a. Entities that Are Exempt from Coverage for Any Employment Decision
i. Title VII and ADA Exemption of American Indian Tribes
ii. Bona Fide Private Membership Clubs
iii. Public International Organizations
b. Partial Exemptions
i. Exemptions for Discrimination Based on Religion
ii. Business on or near an American Indian Reservation
iii. Veterans' Preference
iv. National Security


A. Charge Filing

1. Title VII, the ADEA, and the ADA

2. EPA

B. Filing Civil Actions

1. Title VII, the ADEA, and the ADA

2. EPA

C. When Can a Discriminatory Act Be Challenged?

1. Generally

a. Discrete Acts
b. Hostile Work Environment Claims

2. Pattern-or-Practice Claims

3. Seniority Systems

4. Compensation Discrimination

D. Extending the Time Frame for Filing

1. Equitable Tolling

a. Reasonable Suspicion of Discrimination
b. Mental Incapacity
c. Misleading Information or Mishandling of Charge by the EEOC or FEPA
d. Timely Filing in the Wrong Forum

2. Equitable Estoppel

3. Waiver


A. Charges Brought by Aggrieved Persons

1. Charges Brought by Individuals Subjected to Alleged Discrimination

2. Charges Brought by Aggrieved Persons Who Were Personally Harmed by Discrimination Against Others

B. Charges Brought "on Behalf of" an Aggrieved Person

C. Commissioner Charges


A. The Two Major Types of Preclusion: Claim Preclusion and Issue Preclusion

1. Claim Preclusion

2. Issue Preclusion

B. Requirements for Claim or Issue Preclusion

1. Prior State Court Decision

a. Typical Requirements for Preclusion
b. Due Process
c. Applying Preclusion Principles

2. Prior Federal Court Decision

APPENDIX - Superseded Documents