Professional Services Agreements

Policies and Procedures for Professional Services Agreements

All of the following policies and procedures apply when The University of Iowa pays a consultant (UI employee or non-UI employee).

What is a Professional Services Agreement (PSA)?

Professional Service Agreements are contracts for unique, technical and/or infrequent functions performed by an independent contractor qualified by education, experience and/or technical ability to provide services. In most cases these services are of a specific project nature, and are not a continuing, on-going responsibility of the institution, except in the broadest sense. The services rendered are predominately intellectual in character even though the contractor may not be required to be licensed. Professional service agreements may be with partnerships, firms or corporations as well as individuals.

When is a PSA required?

A written Professional Services Agreement (PSA) must be used for consultants who are not University employees and who receive payments from the University meeting or exceeding a total cost of $20,000. If the expected fees for services meet or exceed $50,000, the University is required to issue a bid. If no other vendors can provide these services, a Sole Source Justification Form must be submitted to Purchasing for approval by the Regents Chief Operations Officer(COO).

psa basic flow chart

How to create a PSA

Departments can download the Professional Services Agreement form. Once completed, a department can either send it to the appropriate purchasing agent for review or send it directly to the vendor for signatures. If vendor contact information is provided, the Purchasing department will send the department’s completed PSA form to the vendor.

Some of the key elements to completing this form are as follows: