Transform Your Career with Certification

Board of Certification/Accreditation (BOC) has been trusted by patients, physicians, employers, professional organizations, government agencies, referral sources, and the public for more than 35 years as a mark of:

Earn Recognized Credentials

Take the Exam on Your Schedule

Become a BOC certificant on your terms, efficiently and cost-effectively:

Receive One-On-One Assistance

Our staff will support you as you get certified (and after you’re certified) with our personalized, one-on-one approach. Once you pass your exam, BOC assists you in finding and tracking your continuing education. If you’re interested in earning more than one certification, we’re here to help.

BOC Emeritus Status

The BOC Board of Directors created Emeritus status for inactive BOC certificants in good standing who have been certified with BOC for a minimum of 15 continuous years. Candidates for Emeritus status may be on the verge of retirement, already retired, or currently practicing in other fields. For more information or to apply, please email