2024 Changes to Library State Laws

Vermont Open Meeting Law Guidance

The Secretary of State’s office has released guidance on changes to Open Meeting Law enacted in Act 133 (S.55), An act relating to updating Vermont's Open Meeting Law. Municipal Public Library Boards are one of the “non-advisory” local boards that will need to follow the guidelines around recording meetings, making them available for 30 days after official meeting minutes are posted, and provide hybrid access to regular meetings when requested.

If you are a municipal library director or trustee, you are encouraged to read through the guidance in full and develop a plan to meet the new requirements that go into effect starting Monday, July 1, 2024. Incorporated library boards are not required to follow the guidance but are encouraged to do so as a best practice, in keeping with the Minimum Standards for Public Libraries.

Act 150 (S.220) An act relating to Vermont’s public libraries

S.220, An Act Related to Vermont’s Public Libraries , was signed into law by Governor Scott on Monday, June 3, 2024. On Wednesday, June 5, 2024, the Department presented a webinar featuring an initial overview of the various elements in the new law, Walk-through: S.220—An Act Relating to Vermont’s Public Libraries .

For information on the new law, implications for libraries, and practical guidance:

For additional questions contact Kevin Unrath, the Department's Library Operations Consultant.

Working Group on the Status of Libraries in Vermont

In May 2021, the Vermont State Legislature passed Act 66 (S.115) an act relating to making miscellaneous changes in education laws, which was signed by the Governor on June 7, 2021. This act created the Working Group on the Status of Libraries in Vermont and charged that body with studying the statewide status of libraries. The two-year efforts of the Working Group yielded findings that provided valuable insights for policymakers and influenced the public policy process, including many of the provisions in S.220. This legislation reflects not only the significant effort by the Working Group but also the strong support of the Vermont Legislature and the Governor for the important work Vermont libraries do every day. The Working Group submitted its final report to the House and Senate Committees on Education on November 1, 2023.