Stratco Outback Flat Verandah Installation Manual

them constantly during each stage of construction. Contact Stratco for advice if you do not have the necessary tools or information.

Before starting, lay out the main components in order of assembly on the ground and check them against the delivery note. The 'Components'

section identifies each part of your Outback Flat Verandah or Carport and shows the relative location of the components.

Mark out the overall area of your verandah, patio or carport and ensure that it is free from obstructions. Beam to wall connections can cause

difficulty if they coincide with door and window openings, so avoid these in your design. Ensure there is reasonable access for materials and

working space and consider the disposal of run-off water. Check the column and beam positions on the ground; roughly check they are square

by measuring the diagonals, then mark out the column locations. If columns are to be 'in ground', dig the holes to Stratco specifications.