Degree Requirements

Remember: You have 8 semesters to fulfill these requirements and many of them will be covered by courses in your major or other courses you take out of interest.


Students who matriculate in fall 2020 or after will follow the College's current undergraduate curriculum. The curriculum includes the following requirements:

*Transfer students must spend at least four semesters in residence and complete at least 60 academic credits at Cornell. Swim test and PE requirements are waived for transfer students.

Refer to the University Registrar's Courses of Study for detailed policies related to graduation requirements.

Distribution requirements

Students must complete a minimum of 8 courses to fulfill all 10 distribution categories below. Distribution requirements can be taken S/U if they aren't being used to also fulfill a major or minor requirement.

Arts, Literature, and Culture (ALC-AS)

Courses in this area examine arts, literature, and culture in various contexts. Students gain insights into the interplay of individual or collaborative creativity and social practice, and understand the complexities of the expression of the human condition. Topics include the analysis of artworks and literary texts, and the belief systems of social groups, cultures, and civilizations; they also focus on artistic expression itself (in creative writing, performing arts, and media such as film and video).

About the foreign language requirement

You can complete the Arts & Sciences language requirement in either of two ways:

Option 1 - Successfully complete one intermediate course of 3 or more credits at Cornell at the 2000 level or above.

Option 2 - Successfully complete at least 11 credits of study (2 or 3 semesters) in a single foreign language taken in the appropriate sequence at Cornell.

If you plan to continue in a previously studied language, you must take a placement test to determine the correct level for enrollment. Online placement tests in several commonly-taught languages are available online.

If an online placement test is not available, then consult the course descriptions to determine which course seems more appropriate for you. You may change your enrollment after taking a placement test during Orientation.

Please keep in mind the following:


I studied a foreign language in high school, but I'm not confident in my abilities, and I'd like to enroll in a lower-level course than I placed into. Is this all right?
No, it is not. Departments require that students enroll in the course indicated by their placement exams.

I am already fluent in another language. Can I be exempted from the language requirement?
Exemptions may be granted under the following circumstances:

1. Completion of secondary education at a foreign institution where the language of instruction was not English.

2. Native or near-native proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing a second language, as determined by examination.

If you are fluent in a language that is not offered for study at Cornell, you may petition to request that your language requirement be waived. Please see the Foreign Language Exemption petition for more information.

Can I use AP, IB or A-Level credits to fulfill the language requirement?
No. These scores may be used for placement into a higher-level course, but will not fulfill the requirement.

After I fulfill the language requirement, can I still study another language at Cornell?
Absolutely! Many Cornell students study more than one language, or continue in language study beyond the college requirement.

Tracking Your Degree Requirements

Your academic journey through Cornell won't be the same as anyone else's, so it's important to take some time to think about your interests as you select courses.

Schedule a meeting with your Advising dean to make your plans.

You can also monitor your progress toward meeting your college degree requirements by checking your DUST (Distributed Undergraduate Student Tracking) report. The DUST report is updated soon after the end of each semester. To monitor your progress toward meeting your major requirements, please contact your major department.

For current students